Radacsi group in Shanghai
3 PhD students (Michel, Tony, and Michael) and Dr. Radacsi attended the Electrospin2019 conference in Shanghai, which was hosted at...

New paper published in ACS Omega!
Our paper on ultra-sensitive formaldehyde gas sensors just got published in ACS Omega. You can read/download the paper free of charge...

New collaboration with Spain's leading bioprinting company
Spent the day at the Spanish company, Regemat 3D, whose brilliant team is building customized 3D bioprinters. Looking forward to the...

Radacsi group attending the Electrospin2019 conference in Shanghai
Dr Radacsi and 3 PhD students from the group will attend the bi-annual conference on electrospinning in Shanghai, China between 18-21...

A new paper from our lab got accepted!
This paper describes a novel formulation for drug capsules. You can download it for free in the next 50 days from here:...

New paper published in Nature Communications!
We have identified the use of nozzle-free electrospinning, a method that applies high voltage on a rotating electrode as a way to...

Michael won the poster award
Congratulations to Michael Chung, a PhD student from my group, on winning the poster award at this year’s CDT-ISM conference. He is...
Seminar at University of Brighton
Dr Radacsi is delivering a seminar on 3D printing and electrospinning tomorrow (19 October) at the University of Brighton.

Our paper on electrospun radially-aligned 3D conical structures is published
Download for free our latest paper on 3D electrospinning. See here how one can fabricate radially-aligned 3D conical structures by...